5 BMG LABTECH filters 5 BMG LABTECH filters

Z-height focus

Optimize detection sensitivity with adjustable Z-height focus, ensuring best signal acquisition for various plate formats and assay types.

Z-height focus

Optimize detection sensitivity with adjustable Z-height focus, ensuring best signal acquisition for various plate formats and assay types.

Z-height adjustment is extremely important in obtaining the best possible signal from every sample. Even a focus positioning error as small as 0.2 mm can lead to signal decrease of up to 25%. Read more about how the focal height setting impacts measurement results in the HowTo Note: How to optimise the focal height of your microplate reader measurements? and How to reduce data variability in heterogenous cell samples

BMG LABTECH's auto Z-height focus scans the whole sample with 0.1 mm resolution and then determines the height at which the strongest signal can be measured. While most readers set Z-height to “low”, “medium”, or “high”, or in 1 mm increments, the PHERAstar® FSX, VANTAstar®, and CLARIOstar® offer precise control in 0.1 mm increments.

Automatic Z-height adjustment is just another feature that allows the PHERAstar FSX, VANTAstar®, and CLARIOstar to detect the best emitted signal for every assay, every time.Fig. 1: BMG LABTECH's auto Z-height focus scans the sample from either the top or bottom of the plate and determines the height at which the strongest signal can be measured

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