A scientist holding up a smiling smiley face A scientist holding up a smiling smiley face

A center for synthetic biology supports academics, start-ups and industry

Learn how the CLARIOstar PLUS microplate reader can be used for synthetic biology applications at a research center that supports the work of academics, start-ups and industry.

A center for synthetic biology supports academics, start-ups and industry

Learn how the CLARIOstar PLUS microplate reader can be used for synthetic biology applications at a research center that supports the work of academics, start-ups and industry.

  • Company/University: London Biofoundry, Synbi Cite, Imperial College, UK
  • Interviewee: Dr David Bell (Head of Analytics and Metrology) & Miles Priestman (Research Associate)
  • Products used: CLARIOstar Plus
  • Method: synthetic biology, automation of high-throughput experiments, enzymatic assays, fluorescence intensity
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