CLARIOstar Plus
Most flexible Plate Reader for Assay Development
The Microbial Biology and Metagenomics group at the University of Queensland’s Diamantina Institute uses the BMG LABTECH FLUOstar Omega microplate reader to develop new methods to study the human gut microbiome. The researchers’ aim is to assess how the products that these microbes produce or consume influence digestive health.
Therefore, automated growth assays of gut bacteria in 96-well microplates are conducted in the FLUOstar Omega microplate reader which allows accurate temperature control, processing of large numbers of samples, documenting growth characteristics and effects from various forms of bioactives. The instrument also includes a robust optimized heavy duty plate transport mechanism that makes long term shaking kinetic experiments possible.
Whilst the FLUOstar Omega’s O2 and CO2 atmospheric control can reduce to as little as 0.1%, growth assays of obligate anaerobic gut bacteria require an absolute anaerobic environment which is made possible by placing the FLUOstar Omega microplate reader in an anaerobic chamber from COY. Using this anaerobic setup, the Diamantina Institute’s Microbial Biology and Metagenomics group are isolating and screening new gut bacteria which may provide further insights into the functional role of the human gut microbiota in influencing human health.
Most flexible Plate Reader for Assay Development
Upgradeable single and multi-mode microplate reader series
Flexible microplate reader with simplified workflows
Learn about applications for bacterial metabolism on a microplate reader.
Gene reporter assays are sensitive and specific tools to study the regulation of gene expression. Learn about the different options available, their uses, and the benefits of running these types of assays on microplate readers.
What is the minimum bactericidal concentration or MBC and what are its uses?
What is the minimum inhibitory concentration or MIC and what are its uses?
Scientists measure bacterial growth in laboratories across the world but why is it so universal?
Quorum sensing is a type of cell-to-cell communication in bacteria that depends on cell density. Find out how microplate readers can help advance quorum sensing research.