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CLARIOstar and PHERAstar support a variety of biological assays in early drug discovery

Explore how Domainex utilizes BMG LABTECH's readers to conduct diverse biological assays in early drug discovery, encompassing cell biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. 

CLARIOstar and PHERAstar support a variety of biological assays in early drug discovery

Explore how Domainex utilizes BMG LABTECH's readers to conduct diverse biological assays in early drug discovery, encompassing cell biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. 

Nick Bland is a group leader at Domainex, a UK-based drug discovery company. They run a variety of biological assays in early drug discovery, which can be cell biology, biochemistry and also biophysics.

For this, they use CLARIOstars and PHERAstars. Benefits of the CLARIOstar include its wavelength flexibility and the ACU for longer cell-based assays. The PHERAstar is used for more complicated biochemical assays and anything that requires simultaneous dual emission. The PHERAstar delivers very reproducible data in HTS using a TR-FRET assay with in the region of 0.9. 

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