A laptop with a BMG LABTECH webinar A laptop with a BMG LABTECH webinar

Current microplate-based interaction assays for drug discovery

Microplate-based interaction assays offer many solutions for drug discovery applications. Learn how BRET and other assays can be used for high-throughput applications.

Current microplate-based interaction assays for drug discovery

Microplate-based interaction assays offer many solutions for drug discovery applications. Learn how BRET and other assays can be used for high-throughput applications.

Protein interaction is a prerequisite for all physiological processes but at the same time also a basis for pathophysiological conditions. There are several methods which allow to screen for drugs interrupting these harmful interactions with a microplate reader. In this scientific talk, our application specialists Anne and Martin highlight how advanced detection technologies such as NanoBRET and TR-FRET can be used in high-throughput drug screening.

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