A scientist holding up a smiling smiley face A scientist holding up a smiling smiley face

Developing new DNA damage and repair inhibitors on the CLARIOstar Plus

Fluorescence assays as well as FP and luminescence measurements are required to develop and characterize new inhibitors. Discover how new DNA damage and repair inhibitors are developed on the CLARIOstar.

Developing new DNA damage and repair inhibitors on the CLARIOstar Plus

Fluorescence assays as well as FP and luminescence measurements are required to develop and characterize new inhibitors. Discover how new DNA damage and repair inhibitors are developed on the CLARIOstar.

  • Company/University: Artios Pharma, UK
  • Interviewee: Dr Claire McWhirter (Principal Scientist)
  • Products used: CLARIOstar Plus
  • Method: development and characterisation of new inhibitors, endpoint and kinetic fluorescence intensity assays, fluorescence polarisation, luminescence
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