Fluorescence measurements are essential for many applications in the life sciences. Explore what our fluorometer plate readers can offer your research.
Fluorescence measurements are essential for many applications in the life sciences. Explore what our fluorometer plate readers can offer your research.
Fluorometers are laboratory instruments that are typically used in the so called "life sciences" and in particular in cell biology and molecular laboratories. Fluorometers are used to detect and quantify different biological assays and kits that emit fluorescent light signals at different wavelengths as a result of a biological reaction.
Originally, fluorometers measured samples in cuvettes. Nowadays, common fluorometers are microplate readers capable of detecting fluorescence intensity signals in high-throughput (e.g., 96 - 1536 well plates). These instruments can be found as single-mode or as multi-mode microplate readers when different detection modes are available in addition to the fluorescence plate reader (e.g., combined with luminometers, with absorbance detection, etc).
Fluorometers can be used for the quantification of nucleic acids, to study protein interaction or cell viability assays, etc.
Fluorophores emit light at a particular wavelength upon excitation. Filtering of the excitation and emission signals either by filter-based or monochromator-based approaches allows the detection of different fluorescent signals at different wavelengths. Modern fluorometers or fluorescence microplate readers can also detect signals from fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays. TRF and time-resolved FRET typically require an additional detection mode.
Fluorometers from BMG LABTECH include the FLUOstar Omega, CLARIOstar Plus, PHERAstar FSX and VANTAstar. These readers are dedicated fluorometers which can be upgraded to multimode readers also measuring luminescence and absorbance.
Our easy-to-use fluorometes plate readers are modulary built, meaning that you can add additional technologies at any time, such as AlphaScreen®, TR-FRET, and UV/Vis absorbance measurements.