Two warehouse logisticians carrying a cardboard box Two warehouse logisticians carrying a cardboard box

Jarrett Cheek

We invite you all backstage and introduce the people behind our microplate readers. Today: If you like what Jarrett does as an amateur woodworker and carpenter, you’ll love the way he can help you with your reader.

Jarrett Cheek

We invite you all backstage and introduce the people behind our microplate readers. Today: If you like what Jarrett does as an amateur woodworker and carpenter, you’ll love the way he can help you with your reader.

We invite you all backstage and introduce the people behind our microplate readers. Today: If you like what Jarrett, the U.S. Service Manager, does as an amateur woodworker and carpenter, you’ll love the way he can help you with your reader.

My name is Jarrett Cheek and I am the Service Manager for BMG LABTECH in the U.S. Our office is based in North Carolina. I was raised there, it’s where I have and spent most of my life, but this job with BMG has given me an opportunity to travel to almost every corner of North America.

As a child I dreamed of playing football (American football). It turns out there are surprisingly few opportunities to punt professionally! So I focused myself on earning a degree in Chemistry from North Carolina State University.  After college I operated gas chromatography and mass spectrometry equipment as an operator and that experience led me into the service side of the industry.

I’ve been working at BMG LABTECH since 2000.  In my position I direct, manage, and mentor the US technical service staff.  This job is great, and it gives me the chance to meet new people and tackle new and interesting challenges every day.

What is a typical day like?

There is no typical day. It is kind of coming in, having a cup of tea and then just going for it. There are a lot of tasks during the day and every day is different. Sometimes you get a call, and this keeps you busy for the entire day. Sometimes you answer emails or check readers here internally. Assisting the development of new projects or the improvement of established ones is also part of my duties.

What’s a common question you get from customers?

“Do you really like traveling that much?”

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be?

The “Fixer”

What do you like most about BMG?

Nobody is just a name or number! They foster a family atmosphere and environment where each of us takes pride in our work.  The same is true for customers, BMG LABTECH works hard to build an individual relationship with them…and it is fostered through sales, manufacturing, installation, and support.  In some cases, I´ve been working with the same customer for 15 or more years!

Which individual, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most?

Thomas Jefferson

If I weren't so damn good at my job, I'd probably be….

A professional dancer *sarcasm*

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

Woodworking, furniture building, cabinet making (check also MiBo's profile, another woodworker in our team).

What are the values that drive you?

Family first, hard work, reliability, and perseverance.

If you could choose, how would you decide… either/or questions

  • Facebook or Instagram? Facebook
  • Fruit or vegetable? Fruit
  • Cat or dog? Dog
  • Pizza or pasta? Yes
  • Jogging or hiking?  HA!
  • Pop or indie? Pop
  • Book or eBook? eBook
Jarrett Cheek in front of a reader row
Jarrett Cheek takes a PHERAstar
Jarrett Cheek has a CLARIOstar on his knees
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