Two warehouse logisticians carrying a cardboard box Two warehouse logisticians carrying a cardboard box

Martin Mangold

We invite you all backstage and introduce the people behind our microplate readers. Today: Martin, our expert for enzymatic assays and biochemistry, has a passion for model building and painting.

Martin Mangold

We invite you all backstage and introduce the people behind our microplate readers. Today: Martin, our expert for enzymatic assays and biochemistry, has a passion for model building and painting.

My name is Martin and I work as an Applications Specialist at our company headquarters in Germany. I am a biologist with a focus on biochemistry and protein science. I have been with BMG LABTECH since 2021. Before that, I did my doctoral studies in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the Pharmaceutical Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany, focusing on enzyme inhibition and interaction studies. 

What does your job entail?

Understanding the ways in which customers want to use our microplate readers and how I can best help them. This involves a variety of tasks, from communicating directly with customers and providing customer support, drafting and creating application-related content such as application notes or blog articles, to researching new applications and methods.    

What is a typical day like?

I start the day by checking emails and addressing new support requests. But apart from this there really are no typical days! Depending on the open tasks, there might be work in the laboratory, data analysis and evaluation, editorial work on articles or new online content, meetings with the team and much more. 

Favourite memorable moment from work/BMG? 

Working on my first application note with my fellow application specialist Anne.  

What’s a common question you get from customers? 

Why does measurement x look different than measurement y. 

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be?

Scientist, researcher & problem solver

What are 3 words to describe BMG?

Awesome, welcoming, supporting. 

What do you like most about BMG?

My colleagues and the readers of course. 

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

Model building and painting, swimming, hiking.

What are the values that drive you? 

Honesty, compassion & accuracy

If I weren't so damn good at my job, I'd probably be…

An artist

When I was a kid, I was pretty sure I'd be a [JOB/PROFESSION] when I grew up

Animal caretaker

What drives you every day?


What’s the best advice you have ever been given?

Never to forget the joy and curiosity of life 

If you could choose, how would you decide… either/or questions

  • Pizza or pasta? Pasta
  • Beer or wine (alcoholic beverages, non alcoholic beverages)? Gin
  • Pacman or tetris? The legend of Zelda ;)
  • Hip Hop or Metal? Hip Hop
  • Cat or dog? Cat
  • Comedy or drama? Comedy
  • Coffee or tea? Tea
  • Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolateee!
  • Early bird or night owl? Night owl
  • Call or text? Text
  • Book or eBook? Book
Martin Mangold
Ann-Cathrinn Volz & Martin Mangold
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