Basic information about microplate fluorometers
What is a microplate fluorometer?
A microplate fluorometer also called spectrofluorometer or fluorometer, is a piece of lab equipment capable of detecting and quantifying the light photons emitted by a fluorescent sample present in a microplate upon excitation with light at a specific wavelength.
Microplate fluorometers are usually intended for fluorescence intensity and FRET detection. Other detection modes such as fluorescence polarization or time-resolved fluorescence and TR-FRET can only be detected by multi-mode devices. To additionally cover also these detection modes, as well as absorbance and luminescence, multi-mode devices are usually required.
Microplate fluorometers usually contain a light source, an optical system for the selection of the incoming light (i.e., filters and/or monochromators), a second optical system for the selection of emission light, and a detector, usually a photomultiplier tube (PMT). These convert photons generated by fluorescencent or luminescent dyes into electricity that is then quantified by the fluorometer. The output of this process is numbers by which a sample is quantified.
As opposed to absorbance, fluorescence detection is not an absolute measurement. The intensity of the fluorescent signal is usually relative to others or to a refence measurement taken by an instrument. Consequently, fluorometers quantify the light signal emitted by a sample in Relative Fluorescent Units (RFU).
Microplate fluorometers are available as stand alone, dedicated readers (fluorometers) or, as part of multi-mode devices, when combined to absorbance and/or luminescence detection.
Microplate fluorometers are used for different lab applications in various fields, such as life science research applications, drug discovery and screening, clinical laboratories, synthetic biology and food or water quality monitoring.
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If you are on the market for a new microplate fluorometer, there are a few factors to take into account, as the performance of the instrument can significantly affect the quality of your research results.
For quantification purposes, fluorescence readers generally offer superior sensitivity than absorbance readers. Nevertheless, a fluorometer with high sensitivity will deliver results with a better statistic, less variability among replicates, and a larger delta (distance) between responding and not-responding samples. In addition, a greater sensitivity will allow you to reduce the amount of samples used to achieve good quality results and consequently reduce your costs.
Dynamic range
In fluorescence detection, samples often cover a vast range of concentrations. Signals that have to be measured may span over a wide dynamic range of intensities – from dim to very bright. Moreover, enzymatic or cell based kinetic assays are often hard to predict in their signal intensity, as their maximum signal builds up over a lapse of time during the course of the kinetic.
In these cases, it may be difficult to acquire all samples in one detection run with one setting. Very bright samples may saturate the detector. Very dim samples may be undiscernible from the blanks.
Having a broad range allows your fluorometer to acquire highly divergent intensities in one run, avoiding waste of reagents and time caused by multiple trial-and-error measurements to find the correct dilution to fluorescence gain ratio. The Enhanced Dynamic Range feature on the PHERAstar FSX, CLARIOstar Plus and VANTAstar offers the largest possible dynamic range on the market (8 concentration decades), and makes it possible to automatically measure assays with very strong signals and dim signals in the same run – no adjustment required.
Wavelength selection
The capability to select wavelengths in microplate fluorometers is mandatory both for excitation and emission. This helps to reduce unspecific background or noise that is usually caused by light scatter or autofluorescence from both the sample and the microplate.
Filters or monochromators can be employed for this purpose. Filters are usually more sensitive, whereas monochromators offer more flexibility. An exception to this paradigm is Linear Variable Filter (LVF) Monochromator system available on the CLARIOstar Plus and VANTAstar. LVF Monochromators have filter-like performance and make the CLARIOstar Plus the most sensitive monochromator-based plate reader on the market. LVF Monochromators can be used in fluorescence intensity and luminescence. In addition, monochromators have the capability to acquire excitation or emission scans.
Additionally, the capability of analysing two emission channels simultaneously is quite beneficial for FRET-based molecular interaction studies. This option halves detection time and reduces data variability. Simultaneous Dual Emission (SDE) detection is available on the PHERAstar FSX and is an option on the LUMIstar Omega and FLUOstar Omega.
Compatible plate formats
Commonly in life science research, basic fluorescencent assays are measured in 96 well microplates. However, if you have multiple samples, have high-throughput needs and/or wish to work with micro-volumes to save precious samples or time, 384 well and 1536 well plate formats can also be used. Just make sure that your device of choice is also capable of reading the plate formats you plan on using. Moreover, absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence detection require different plate types.
Reagent injectors
When looking for a fluorometer, you should consider the nature of the assay you want to run. For enzymatic kinetic studies or real-time cell-based responses, the use of injectors can be beneficial. By manually pipetting reagents into the wells you can run the risk of losing important data of your reaction. Especially for fast responses, the event you are looking for may already be gone before you quantify it. Our devices with reagent injectors can simultaneously inject and quantify the signal of a well, and then move to the next one.
Environmental control
If your research requires long-time live cell based assays (e.g., for cell viability studies) and you do not want to shuffle your microplate back and forth between reader and incubator, make sure that your reader of choice has the capability to control its internal gas environment.
The Omega series, the VANTAstar and the CLARIOstar Plus can be equipped with our Atmospheric Control Unit (ACU). The ACU provides the ideal environment for any application with living cells. The ACU independently regulates both O2 and CO2 gas levels. Combined with shaking and temperature incubation, the ACU provides a real “walk-away” solution for any cell-based assay from standard cell growth to hypoxia.
Software for data reduction
Generally, the software that runs the fluorometer is a very underestimated part of the package. For some readers, the software only controls the measurement process and provides a raw data output. In other cases, it can perform complex analyses.
A comprehensive, easy-to-use and flexible software can make life easier, simplify detection and data analysis so that you can get the most out of your reader.
The most useful calculation features for fluorescencent assays include automatic blank subtraction, automatic calculation of concentrations based on standard curves, and enzymatic constants such as Km and Vmax.
On the BMG LABTECH software package, the most common assays have predefined quick-run protocols and dedicated analysis templates. Through these dedicated solutions, acquisition and analysis of your results are performed with a single mouse click, enabling researchers to carry out experiments quickly and easily.
Our microplate fluorometers
Fluorescence detection can be performed on the PHERAstar® FSX, CLARIOstar® Plus, VANTAstar and FLUOstar® Omega.
All our plate fluorometers are equipped with a high-intensity xenon flashlamp, assay-specific filters, optic modules, or LVF monochromators™ (reader-dependent), and low-noise or extended red-shifted PMTs.

CLARIOstar Plus


Omega Series
Which assays can be measured by a microplate fluorometer?
Fluorescence intensity is one of the most popular detection modes in life science. Accordingly, there is a multitude of kits available on the market for the most different assay types that microplate fluorometers can cover.
Common applications in the lab are nucleic acid quantification, calcium assays (flux and signalling), enzymatic activities, gene expression, second messenger signalling for GPCRs, reporter assays, protein-nucleic acid interaction, tryptophan quantification, molecular beacon, biosensors for wastewater analysis and more.
Cell based applications include apoptosis assays, cell viability, cell proliferation, transfection efficiency and cytotoxicity.
Protein interaction can be detected via Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET). FRET is a dual dye fluorescencent detection methos based on energy transfer between a donor and an acceptor. If donor and acceptor are in close proximity (10-100 Å), excitation of the donor fluorophore transfers energy to the acceptor fluorophore that will emit light without being directly excited.
Examples of Fluorescence intensity/FRET measurements:
The following assays are examples of fluorescence intensity and FRET assays taken on BMG LABTECH readers:
- AN368: Pyruvate kinase inhibitor measurements and effortless data analysis using the MARS data analysis software
- AN364: Antioxidant capacity determination in plant samples and food products with the microplate reader CLARIOstar Plus
- AN353: Studying the molecular mechanism of viral replication in real time using the CLARIOstar Plus with ACU
See a complete list of fluorescence intensity application notes.

Why to choose a BMG LABTECH microplate fluorometer?
BMG LABTECH is specialised in producing microplate readers only and brings more than 30 years of full expertise in microplate reading technology. This knowledge gets visible in the results that our instruments deliver - the only factor that counts in your lab! BMG LABTECH users can trust to obtain best results in sensitivity, speed and flexibility. Moreover, our multi-mode devices are developed to provide high performance for years. Our instruments are developed, produced and tested in Germany and are built to be extremely robust and reliable.
Buy only what you need
Due to their modularity, all our fluorescence-based instruments can be equipped with different detection modes and cover a multitude of applications. Additional features can be upgraded at any time. This gives you the chance to keep your options open even if you don’t use the full scope of your microplate fluorometer right at the bat.
All-round service and support
We strive to provide you with the very best customer service. All sales area representatives are highly trained technical specialists able to support both the hardware, software and most application questions. For the most complex applications solutions a team of dedicated application specialists are also available.
Multi-user software package
All our instruments come with a multi-user integrated software package that can be installed on as many computers as users requires, without the need to purchase licenses. Software updates are of no charge within the first 12 month after purchase.