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PHERAstar detection system

Discover the PHERAstar detection system—delivering superior speed, sensitivity, and flexibility for high-throughput screening and demanding assay formats.

PHERAstar detection system

Discover the PHERAstar detection system—delivering superior speed, sensitivity, and flexibility for high-throughput screening and demanding assay formats.

The PHERAstar® FSX detection system contains two pairs of matched photomultiplier tubes (PMT) which are used for Simultaneous Dual Emission detection. One matched pair of PMTs is used for fluorescence intensityfluorescence polarization, luminescence and AlphaPlex (see AlphaScreen). The second matched pair of PMTs has been specifically optimized for Time-Resolved Fluorescence and TR-FRETUV/vis absorbance is measured using a dedicated CCD.Fig. 1: Photomultiplier tube (PMT) used in the PHERAstar detection system.

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