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Running and analysing kinetic assays on the CLARIOstar

Microplate readers are ideally suited to study DNA damage, mitochondrial content and reactive oxygen species. Hear about running and analysing kinetic assays on the CLARIOstar.

Running and analysing kinetic assays on the CLARIOstar

Microplate readers are ideally suited to study DNA damage, mitochondrial content and reactive oxygen species. Hear about running and analysing kinetic assays on the CLARIOstar.

  • Company/University: Ncardia
  • Interviewee: Dr Georgios Kosmidis (Senior Scientist)
  • Products used: CLARIOstar
  • Method: real-time live-cell kinetic analysis, DNA damage, mitochondrial content and ROS analysis

Georgios is part of the R&D division at Ncardia. Ncardia offers stem cell-derived differentiated cells as a platform for drug toxicity and efficacy screenings. 

The CLARIOstar microplate reader is used in the lab mainly for DNA damage, mitochondrial content and radical oxygen species (ROS) analysis. 

According to Georgios, one of the main advantages of the CLARIOstar is the software, especially when running real-time live-cell kinetic analysis in time-resolved mode. The MARS data analysis software enables easy and quick data reductions, even of large amounts of data. This results in significant savings of time.

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