Two warehouse logisticians carrying a cardboard box Two warehouse logisticians carrying a cardboard box

Stefan Kiefer

We invite you all backstage and introduce the people behind our microplate readers. Today: Juggling between QC tests, support and his organic orchard, he is BMG LABTECH´s longest serving employee. 

Stefan Kiefer

We invite you all backstage and introduce the people behind our microplate readers. Today: Juggling between QC tests, support and his organic orchard, he is BMG LABTECH´s longest serving employee. 

My name is Stefan. I am responsible for the quality control of our plate readers. Additionally, I am also involved in technical support. My background is electronic engineering. I joined BMG LABTECH in July 1991 as the fourth company member or as I like to say “serial number 4”. Today, I am the longest serving BMG LABTECH employee.

I grew up in South-West Germany on a small farm. We had our own vineyards and produced some wine ourselves. Today, I enjoy my organic garden and orchard. Here, I grow vegetables and fruits without any use of pesticides and always have some additional space for wildflowers to feed wild bees.

Stefan Kiefer behind a PHERAstar
Stefan Kiefer sitting on a PHERAstar

What did you do before working for BMG LABTECH?

I worked as a software engineer at BOSCH

What’s a common question you get from customers?

Why are the data I got different from the ones I expected?

Favourite memorable moment from work/BMG? 

I don´t have a specific favourite memorable moment. I am happy about every positive feedback I get from customers I helped to improve their measurements or solve their problems. 

What are 3 words to describe BMG?

Innovative, customer-focussed, flexible

What do you like most about BMG?

Everybody´s opinion and feedback is valued and we get along well with each other!

What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know? 

I have three sons, all of them play a string instrument, violin, viola and cello. It is quite time and cost intensive to support them.

What are the values that drive you? 

To protect nature and find the right balance in life between the things you have to do and the ones you enjoy doing. 

Where’s your favourite place in the world?

I like to spend my holidays in Northern Italy…a small village close to the sea with a hilly hinterland and small old hamlets.

Which individual, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most? 

I would love to have a chat and get some ideas from Leonardo da Vinci. He was a real genius of his time and far ahead, up to now.

What’s the best advice you have ever been given? 

To marry the nice girl who has been my wife since 1993.

If you could choose, how would you decide… either/or questions

  • Beer or wine? Wine 
  • Cereal or toast? Cereal 
  • Fruit or vegetable? Both
  • Hip Hop or Metal? I prefer classic music
  • Summer or winter? I like in summer the long day light and nice warm evenings. In wintertime, a dry cold and sunny day is the best you can get.
  • Soccer or tennis? Soccer
  • Early bird or night owl? Get up early and start the day full energy.
  • Call or text? I like to have direct contact on a call or a direct talk. The interaction to the other person is much more effective.
  • Book or eBook? I prefer a real book. ebooks are flexible but on the other hand with a real book I am more focused on the content and have less diversion.
Stefan Kiefer with 4 PHERAstars
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