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The ORAC assay: industrial and academic relevance

ORAC assays are fluorescence-based methods to quantify antioxidants. Discover how microplate readers benefit researchers in both industry and academia by enhancing the measurement of antioxidant capacity.

The ORAC assay: industrial and academic relevance

ORAC assays are fluorescence-based methods to quantify antioxidants. Discover how microplate readers benefit researchers in both industry and academia by enhancing the measurement of antioxidant capacity.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) assay is a fluorescence intensity-based method that enables the quantification of the antioxidant capacity of a substance. ORAC is relevant both for academic research as well as for industrial purposes. 

The antioxidant capacity of food can help to lower the concentration of free radicals in the body. While there is limited data showing a direct correlation between the antioxidant capacity of food and effects on health, it is generally believed that eating foods that are high in antioxidants is beneficial. Accordingly, ORAC is a valuable tool to assess the antioxidant capacity of foods as shown in the application note Antioxidant Capacity determination in plant samples and food products.

In this webinar, Shalini Markandan, Forest Research Institute of Malaysia, discusses the most common misconceptions about ORAC, provides a better way to interpret data, highlights challenges for ORAC beginners, and shows how BMG LABTECH microplate readers and the MARS data analysis software can help to automate data calculation.

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