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Understanding the generation and regulation of ROS on the CLARIOstar

Fluorescent redox-sensible sensors for multiplex assays. Learn about ways to measure the generation and regulation of reactive oxygen species on the CLARIOstar.

Understanding the generation and regulation of ROS on the CLARIOstar

Fluorescent redox-sensible sensors for multiplex assays. Learn about ways to measure the generation and regulation of reactive oxygen species on the CLARIOstar.

  • Company/University: Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Interviewee: Prince Saforo Amponsah (Graduate Research Associate)
  • Products used: CLARIOstar
  • Method: roGFP, ROS analysis, real-time live-cell kinetic analysis

Prince is part of the department of Cellular Biochemistry at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. The group is interested in redox biology in the cellular context. In particular, the interest of the group is understanding how reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated and regulated, and how changes in ROS affect cellular physiology. This is achieved by the use of fluorescent redox-sensible sensors like roGFP, measured in 96- or 384-well microplates on the CLARIOstar. The CLARIOstar is very useful to the redox community because of its sensitivity and because it allows the detection of multiple sensors simultaneously. It is used for all measurements in the lab as it is very simple and easy to use, and very robust.

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